Monday, March 7, 2011

Satan's favorite food

Day #11
Picture of something you hate

I think that hate is a really strong word.....and I would never go so far as to hate someone....because I know that is wrong.  However, I will very much stand by my hatred for inanimate objects that deserve a good hating.  I have several things that I really can't stand, but one thing just hands a huge smackdown to the rest.


I never knew that one little flavor could hold so much capacity to ruin everything....

They say you either love or hate this....and honestly I don't understand how you could love it.  I think all of your taste buds would have to be distorted.

I did a little research, because that's what I do best, and I discovered that they actually believe that those that don't like cilantro reject the flavor because it is too similar to poison.  To me the stuff tastes like dirty lemon flavored dishwater (yeah....mull that one around in your brain)...and most that don't like it agree that it tastes soapy.  Well, you aren't meant to eat soap, so your brain automatically determines that it is a poison, hence the REALLY strong dislike.  This makes sense to me, because there are other flavors that I dislike, but that don't make me react so strongly.  Take rosemary for instance.  The stuff is nasty.  BUT....never could it be compared on the same level as cilantro.

Side note....went to Thai last night with my intern friends and started in on this awesome looking curry, only to find out (once I had an enormous bite in my mouth) that it contained its fair share of cilantro.  Deciding that it was neither the time or the place to make a scene, I swallowed it.  Longest 30 seconds of my life.  SICK.

Overly dramatic?  Yes.  So?

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