Sunday, March 6, 2011

A little early for Mother's Day

Day #9
A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

There are some people in this world who deserve least the title.  My mom is one of them.  To say that I was an easy child would be the biggest lie I've ever told.  But one of the biggest truths that I can tell is that my mom is one of the most patient and loving people I've ever met and she is one of the biggest blessings in my life.  Let me tell you about my mom....

This lady is one of the hardest workers I know. She wasn't a stay at home mom when we were little because my family couldn't afford for her to be, and I really respect that.  They worked out a schedule so that my mom worked days and my dad worked nights so that they could provide a childhood that wasn't filled with daycares and passing us off to random babysitters.  Basically for them it meant never seeing each other though, and all so that we always had a parent at home.  I think that's incredible, and I feel blessed that they valued my upbringing enough to sacrifice that time for us.

For as long as I can remember, my mom has been my best friend.  If I'm having a bad day or if I'm having the best day ever, she is the first person I call.  Recently she has been taking trips to Canada for work and I feel like big things always happen when she isn't within cell phone range...haha.  She has gotten me through the absolute hardest times in my life...anxiety, heartache, anger, frustration, sadness....she has covered the spectrum.  She is a good listener (thank goodness, because I talk a lot) and also a pretty solid advice giver (although I'm just now starting to recognize that one!). :)  She always reminds me of the value that I bring to the table, prays for me, encourages me in my passions, supports my career and the choices I'm making in life, and is my number one weekend buddy. 

So that picture is the greatest lady that I know, and one person that I thank God for constantly.  He knew what he was doing when he hand-placed me in this family! 

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