Sunday, March 6, 2011

Anyone seen my pocket protector?

Good thing I don't have kids, I'd probably forget to feed them.  Ok....I realize that is pretty dramatic for the situation, but I have forgotten to blog two days in a row....not showing my abilities to multi-task and remember things here!  So....lets play some catch up!

Day # (what day is this now?)
A Picture that Makes you Laugh


Let me start this off by explaining who I hung out with in college.  I definitely ran with a pretty conservative crowd of people, and basically got the "Christian college experience" while going to a public school.  We ended up doing a lot of ridiculous things that other college students would probably look on as "not fun" or "stupid" or "annoying".....but it was memory making and I have a lot of fun memories from my time at Eastern.  One of our ridiculous expeditions happened to be Nerd Night.  I'm not sure how the idea sparked, but someone called me and told me to dress up in my best nerd gear and get ready for a hot night on the town.  We gathered whoever was brave enough to take part and went to eat dinner in Spokane at Red Robin.  I'm no good at acting, so I just looked like a regular kid wearing nerd clothes, but a few of my co-horts made it seem like we should have just come from the Star Trek convention. Brian brought along his computer books from his major classes and calculated was just ridiculous.  This makes me cringe a little bit now to explain it, because this is already something I would hesitate to do today.  haha.  I guess that is what growing up gets you!

The funny picture is Brand (my dear friend Allison's now-husband) doing his nerd face, which is essentially a sneeze that he stops halfway through...  Always makes me laugh....never fails.

The gang's all here!

Real World

Nerd World

There were no squirrels on Nantucket until 1989.There were no Nerds in the Bahamas until the annual Star Trek convention was held there in 1995.
Giraffes have no vocal cords.Nerds have no sense of fashion whatsoever.
In Chinese, the words for crisis and opportunity are the same.In ancient Egyptian, the word for genius and socially awkward is Nerd.
The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.While Nerds aren't officially mentioned in the Bible, the words "develop" and "code" do appear, so Nerds were clearly a part of the culture.

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