Monday, February 28, 2011


Who knew how ridiculously hard this is to be dedicated enough to write a blog every day....I guess that is why they called it the "30 Day CHALLENGE". Ha!

Day #4
Picture of your favorite night

Let me preface this with the fact that Seattle is one of my favorite places in the world.  For those that think that New York and Miami and cool places like that are the top dogs.....I beg to differ.  Seattle is where it's at!   I have family over there, so there is a bit of sentimental value attached, but really the city just has it all.  They have a super mediocre professional baseball team that I'm completely infatuated with, skyscrapers, a beautiful waterfront, YUMMY seafood, all the big stores that Spokane doesn't have, Molly Moons, my dream grad school (UW...I know, that must be the cold medicine talking), and I could go on and on.  So good.

Anyways, my dad and I went to Seattle this last August to spend time with my Aunt and her boyfriend Lonny.  We caught the usual baseball game, ate the usual Ivars fish chips, partook of half of my weight in ice cream, and just enjoyed the time away from a busy summer of work.  I took this picture on what is probably my favorite night in a while.  My dad and I were sitting around my Aunt's house in Bellevue, and she had gone to bed already and being night owls, we were pretty restless.  It didn't take much convincing from me to go grab some Coldstone and make the drive into Seattle to do some night time adventuring.  We ended up spending about 2 hours getting completely lost in U District and Wallingford and ended up in Downtown Seattle, gauking at the city lights  It was the most perfect night.  I don't think my Dad realizes how much I love spending those random moments with him....and I think I definitely take him for granted.  Counting down the days for the next trip.

P.S.  Be praying about my decision-making process for grad school if you have an opportunity.  After working at House of Charity for 6 months now, I'm game for a second year to get further into the social work/case management side of my work there.  I am planning to move on to grad school once I get done here....God willing!  My heart is a little bit set on University of Washington at this point.  They have a concurrent degree in Social Work/Public Health, and are 5th in the nation for social work.  Doesn't get much better than that!  Plus there is the added bonus of in-state tuition.  I guess the only thing holding me back is the complete dread of being a poor college student again.  Sure I'm a poor Americorps volunteer right now, but its totally different.  You are actually advancing your career...tangibly.  Not just earning a degree (although I do realize that is also a form of career advancement).  I guess ultimately I struggle with the concept that eventually I would love to not have to advance my career.  Someday I'd love to be a mom and stay at home with my kids...but in the immediate future, I am not seeing any of those things happening!  SO....I'm going to faithfully follow after what I'm good at and what I'm passionate about, and pray that those things follow! 

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