Sunday, February 26, 2012

Let's go to the movies...

There is something about the Oscars.  Maybe it's the hundreds of celebrities that all come together in one place.  Maybe it's the theme music that makes me want to cry even though it isn't meant to be sad.  Maybe it's the dresses...the tuxes...the tributes...

All I know is that I look forward to it...and it never seems to disappoint.

As I sit here watching this year's edition, it has me thinking about the impact that movies have had on my life and on the lives of all of us.  We certainly live in this strange world where Hollywood and celebrity and materialism seem to overwhelm us in a negative sense.  We know more about the gossip surrounding the death of Whitney Houston than we do the real news that is happening in this world.  I'm the first to admit that my conversations often involve more ridiculous jabber about people I don't know than about things that actually matter.

BUT....I think there is a lot more to Hollywood than the glitz and the rumors.  Think about the movies that have impacted you...that hold memories that are incredibly personal and meaningful.  Doesn't everyone remember those movies that they went to see as kids, when we were so small that those old-school theater seats would flip up and trap us in them?  How about that movie that you went to on your first date (you know...the one that you don't remember anything about because you were concentrating so hard on not doing something stupid)?  How about that movie that you watch everytime you were home sick as a kid?  The movie that you have watched over and over because it never stops being funny?  We all have those.

I love the Oscars because it takes time to honor the talents of people that make these moments possible.  Let's face it...most of us have no idea how to act.  Most of us have no desire to act. I have never once wanted to stand in front of a crowd and show off my entertainment abilities, most likely because I have none.  The Oscars is an opportunity to recognize people, that regardless if they themselves recognize it or not, have been allowed a God-given talent to allow people to escape this world for a few moments.  Movies allow us to escape that bad break-up or bad news and find humor or adventure in something fantastical.  They are the visual companion to the books that have always kept us company.  They are the outpouring of the imaginations of a lot of talented people.  I love it.

As I watch this year, I realize that I haven't seen many of the top notch movies of the year, probably because I have been wasting all my money on movies like The Vow which will never be awarded anything for talented acting....ha.  But I'm also reminded of my goal to watch all the Best Pictures from 1990 on....a little piece of my Bucket List that I suppose I should get cracking on.  I think I'm having a hard time getting into it because of the 2nd one on this list...maybe I can skip to 1992.  Cannabalism quit being fun when I was in the Jr. High and scary movies were still exciting and not heart-attack inducing.

Perhaps I can use 1989's movie in its place?  Driving Miss Daisy is so much more my speed.

(*) = I've seen this enough times that I don't need to see it again to appreciate the beauty of it all.

1990 - Dances with Wolves
1991 - Silence of the Lambs
1992 - Unforgiven
1993 - Schindler's List
1994 - Forrest Gump (*)
1995 - Braveheart
1996 - The English Patient
1997 - Titanic (3D in Imax....on the 100th anniversary...I think yes).
1998 - Shakespeare in Love
1999 - American Beauty
2000 - Gladiator
2001 - A Beautiful Mind
2002 - Chicago
2003 - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (*)
2004 - Million Dollar Baby
2005 - Crash (*)
2006 - The Departed
2007 - No Country for Old Men
2008 - Slumdog Millionaire (*)
2009 - Hurt Locker
2010 - The King's Speech
This be announced.

So thank you actors, producers, directors, cinematographers, etc... for allowing us to get outside of ourselves and experience in ways that we couldn't if you didn't create.

P.S. Does anyone have direct contact with Joseph Gordon-Levitt...because I would like to thank him personally...  ;)

HA!  Happy Oscar Sunday!

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