Friday, February 24, 2012

Teach me a lesson....

A few lessons this week....minor.....major.  Lots of them really.  There will be more next week and the week after that....but this week feels monumental to me.

1) Life doesn't owe you anything... 

So silly that we assume that we deserve a certain set of circumstances in life.  We deserve good health.  We deserve a high paying job (or any job at all) because of that degree we've got tucked in our back pocket.  We deserve a reasonable number of answered prayers (not just answered, but answered with the answer we want).  Holy cow.  How undeserving I am for everything I've ever been blessed with....and I don't deserve anything else.  So why don't we recognize more often that the beautiful things we encounter in life are gifts...not because life owes them to us, but because someone loves us enough to allow us to experience them.  I'm frequently annoyed by the "God is awesome" status updates on Facebook.  Not because I don't agree with that, but because its said so flippantly that we forget what we are even saying.  Can I just say, as someone who doesn't say it enough, God is awesome.  And not because I'm having a mountain top experience right now.  In fact, I've found myself in quite the valley.  But God is awesome.  And in control.  And showers me with things I don't deserve, like people that adore me and laughter and sunshine and hope.

2) If an article of clothing looks like it might be probably is. 

Nothing like a brand new sweater that looks sort of like it might rip apart actually ripping apart the first time you wash it.  Granted, I also ignored the tag that said "dry flat" and decided to dry it in the dryer.  Who has time or patience for a shirt that has to be dried flat.  Have you seen my apartment?  I have no flat spaces to dry high maintenance shirts....and if I did find a spot, my cat would fall asleep on it and it would need to be washed again.

3) Speaking of cats....don't reward animals for bad matter how cute said "bad habit" is initially. 

My cat has discovered that he can move his bowls around on the floor to indicate when he is hungry.  It was cute at first....and I would quickly respond by refilling his bowl.  However, after  3 incidents of waking up in the middle of the night from him shuffling his bowl around in hungry expectation, I'm about to wring his adorable little neck.  Maniac.  I've officially had him for a year in March.  I've kept a living animal live for over a year...he has outlived every single plant I've ever attempted to care for.  Horray!

4)  Ireland has to be what heaven looks like....

I am MISSING Ireland in a big way right now.  In case you've lived under a rock for the last year, I traveled to Ireland for 10 days last March with a handful of my best friends.  It was a pretty epic getaway with a lot of highs and lows, but as time goes on and the lows become less memorable....all I seem to recall is how beautiful it is there and how much I'd love to go back.  I have a collage of pictures from my trip next to my bed and sometimes I find myself just staring at it aimlessly in the mornings when I'm getting ready.  Look at these pictures and tell me you don't think God spent an unusual amount of time creating such a beautiful place....I dare you.

 Greece is a masterpiece as well....maybe I should go there next.

Any takers?

Ok, I'm out of lessons for the week....on to the weekend.  Time to go check my last load of laundry and see what else I've managed to ruin.

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