Saturday, January 21, 2012

I like it...I like it a lot.

Don't you wish weekends were longer?  Maybe that is what vacations are for?  Hm.  Not getting any of those anytime soon.

I've got some really strong "likes" and "dislikes" going on currently, and because I have a complete lack of other things to talk about...this blog will be dedicated to those.

Do you want the bad first?  Sure...let's do that.


5) Slick roads/sidewalks.  I would just like to say that I've experienced 3 very distinctive concussions throughout my life...and I've heard it reported that you are at a greater risk of...
a) dying
b) getting Parkinson's
c) not being able to speak correctly anymore
...if you suffer more than 3 concussions.  I'm right on the edge.  Living dangerously if you will.  Well, as I walked to work today I questioned why I wasn't wearing a helmet....because those roads are a 4th and life changing concussion waiting to happen.

4) Cat scratches.  I wish it were humane to get this little monster declawed.  Don't worry, don't worry.  I won't.  But I will continue to threaten it.

3) Washing dishes.  Least favorite chore in the entire world.  It used to be cleaning the bathroom, but for whatever reason, cleaning the bathroom is now one of the first things I I'm putting off dishes.

2) The idea of giving up sugar for Lent.  Now, in the spirit of the organization that I'm employed by, I figured I'd go the way of the Catholics and give up something of importance for Lent.  I could give up Facebook, but I am afraid my social life would dwindle beyond what it has already dwindled to.  I'm a winter-induced shut-in.  Like the elderly (minus the bad hips and false teeth).  So instead I'm giving up the one thing that I both need to give up for my own health and that will be the MOST difficult thing I could possibly consider.  Sugar.  I am a sugar fiend.  Less so than one of my co-workers who literally licks frosting off cupcakes...but still....I have my weaknesses.  I also have cavities...and sugar doesn't help.  So, out it goes.  And I will literally be tempted every single day for the entire 40 days, so it will serve its purpose of reminding me of the significance of Lent itself.  I still hate thinking about it.

1) Waiting to hear about grad school.  I have become a compulsive e-mail checker.  Not only that, but I feel like I hear something about the city I am hoping to move to EVERY DAY.  It is haunting my life.  I find myself looking on Craigslist for cute apartments.  I daydream about weekends at the beach.  I fantasize about living in a city whose baseball team may actually reach the playoffs....oh man.  I should know anytime between this week and the first week of February, but realistically I wanted to hear about 2 weeks ago.  Let's get this together.  And then the next step (if I either don't get in or don't get the financial aid I need) is to find another option...which sounds worse than this waiting.  Praying that my heart it let down easy if it needs to happen that way.


5) Crafting (specifically from the Martha Stewart website):
Let's face it.  Martha Stewart is a criminal, but she knows her way around a craft room.  Today I made tissue paper pom poms to brighten up my apartment, and thank you to Martha...because it worked.  I also stashed away the few Christmas decorations that I had up....time for Spring.  Now if only the weather would cooperate.

4) The Art of Racing in the Rain

I borrowed this book from my dear friend Whitney after eyeballing it for a long time at every book store I came across.  I am a choosy book buyer...I really contemplate my choices.  So, getting the chance to read it for free was a huge gift!  And it's incredible.  Turns out I could have paid full-price and it would have been completely worth it.  Now it's not another typical animal book....I know where your hesitation may lie.  I also love those books (the ones with the "no-eyed cat" or the deformed dog), but this is totally different.  And it's making me glad I live alone, because the tears are flowing pretty consistently with this one.

3) Speaking of living alone....I LOVE my apartment.  I think I've voiced this before, but I'm coming up on a year of living in this particular building and I am more and more in love with it every day.  I think what strikes me currently about this spot is that I may be moving by late summer and I don't know if I will ever find an apartment that is this cute again.  It is white and clean and cutely decorated and functional and cozy and warm and bright.  Oh man.   I always thought that living alone in a super cute apartment was something that I'd love to do...and low and behold, it actually happened.  Excellent.  This will definitely be the last time in my entire life that I pay less than $400.00 for something this great....realistically something like this would go for $1000.00 in most big cities.  Gotta love Spokane's cost of living.

2) Dancing like a crazy person.  Did you know that some members of the church (depending on denomination) don't believe that dancing is appropriate?  Unbelievable.  Certainly I won't stand in the way of their set of beliefs, but I am SO thankful that my beliefs are the exact opposite.  I just love the joy and happiness that you can see in people that are being silly and letting loose!  I just watched the most ADORABLE video of a groom and his groomsmen surprising his bride with a choreographed dance to a Justin Bieber song.  So can you not love that? 

The Biebs Dance

Thinking back on college, most of my favorite moments involved a dance floor.  I just had the greatest group of friends that were willing to let their guards down and have fun with each other. I loved it.  This reminds me of that.

1) Leggings

I have given in on every level to the trend of leggings.  I used to be that girl that silently judged people that wore leggings with t-shirts...instead of under dresses.  It seemed kind of revealing and a little like too much information.  Well, you know what?  I'm all about sharing too much information these days, because I could live 24/7 in leggings.  I have managed to acquire quite the stash over the last year.  I have gone over to the dark side.

P.S.  I actually like this hipster outfit so much I may try it out tomorrow.  After church...I feel like church is the one sacred spot where you keep your pants on.

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