Sunday, November 13, 2011

Just thinkin....

Did I mention I went on vacation last week? I'm turning more and more away from being a play-by-play blogger...mostly because I've read a few travelogues that were ridiculously boring because the writer assumed that everyone cared about the tiny details of their trip.  I'm assuming you don' I won't go there. 

However, I did go to Boston and I did have a great time....and I would like to talk to you about it for as long as you want in person if you ask me!

I'm watching Sister Wives right now (I know....they are ridiculous and I'm ridiculous for watching sue me) and they are taping in Boston this week.  I have to admit that when they did the little fly through of some of the sights of Boston, my breath caught a little bit.  I guess I can't really explain it, but I feel very taken by Boston.  There is something about it.  The area is rich with history, everyone has an agenda, and life is moving quickly and differently than in Spokane.  It was fun.  I really loved it.  I think it officially has landed on my short list of places that I'd consider in the future for school or for a job.

I told my Mom when I went there that I wouldn't go and want to stay, but I must say that I wanted to stay.  I guess that part of me knew that might happen...I fall in love easily with new places.  When I left Tahoe all I could think about was getting back as soon as possible.  I applied for jobs, I schemed...I never went.  God had other plans for my life for these few years, but I'm coming up on a big shift in my identity starting this summer.  My job is over in July and this place that has consumed my life for the last year and a half is fading into the shadows.   I also am incredibly indecisive which leaves my friends drained and my family confused.  I can't ever decide what the next step is and it changes every five minutes.  The things that I told my friends about two months ago are completely off the table now.  It could be school.  It could be a job.  It could be staying here.  It could be going.  It seems like the more I plan the more unsure I am, so the predominant part of me is realizing that I have an assortment of opportunities that I can move towards and the Lord will provide a clean break for the right one.  My best made plans I just need to be open and TRUSTING.

One thing I do know is that I'm in a totally different place than any of my friends.  I'm single...I'm relatively free to take a leap and risk failing a little bit.  The pit of my stomach tells me to stay right here and be safe in the environment I'm used to, but my heart is telling me that that relational part of my life may be moving so slowly because I'm meant to do some exploring.  I'll never have another chance to up and move somewhere and gain some perspective and experience something outside of this life I've always had.  And that is pretty exciting....

So if you are making a trip to the East Coast anytime soon, hit me up!  I went the wrong way every other time that I got on the subway, so inadvertantly I covered a lot of ground and have a bunch of tips!  :)

Also, it snowed in Spokane yesterday.  It is officially time to retire my dreams of sunshine....until June.

1 comment:

  1. Explore life Dani! As much as I want all my friends and families to be at my fingertips so I can be with them as much as possible, I believe that life is too short to be wasted on being safe. There are soo many options out there in life, I'll be praying that God shows you where He wants you to go. Also, we are not defined by our careers, degrees, or marital status, we are defined by the love of Jesus Christ and the grace He shows to us. You are so much more than those things and just because society may tell you to "figure it out" does not mean that God hasn't already one it for you. And remember what they said in church today, maybe it is better to move in the wrong direction than not at all.
    Love you!
