Thursday, August 4, 2011

You move me....

You wanna know something?

I really hate moving.  I hate moving my stuff even 20 feet down the hallway.  Moving my stuff even 20 feet down the hallway makes me sit and wonder how long I can live in a studio apartment for, because I never want to move ever again.  Maybe I can raise a family in a studio apartment?  

To top off my general distaste for is approximately 90 degrees in my apartment building....and I have had a headache for approximately two days straight.  I also managed to gash the sole of my foot open with a loose piece of metal in my apartment the other day.  Kind of like a really unnecessary parting gift....thanks for that, apartment. Its one of those things that probably would have deserved stitches had I taken myself in right away, but like that ever happens?  So while I have thankfully avoided a nasty infection of some variety....the bottom of my foot is black and blue and rebelling against the idea of walking that 20 feet down the hallway ANYMORE

Ok, thanks.....I needed that.  Sometimes complaining is just exactly what the doctor ordered.  

Honestly this week has been a lesson in patience and a lesson in just putting one foot in front of the other and moving along as best as possible.  It was a hard week at work, and continues to be a hard week this week as the last of my co-workers leave this weekend.  I really struggle with saying puts me in a funk for a while. Being the only person left behind to navigate a new group of people is also bittersweet.  Bitter in that I didn't necessarily want to have the original people leave, and sweet because there is nothing that I love more than new people.  

Being the only person left here has made me a few instances....and also think and pray a lot about what it is that I'm doing here.  I enjoy what I do (some days) and more than anything, enjoyment or not, I know that I am serving in a ministry that is living out the Gospel of Jesus on a daily basis.  Above all else, I need to remind myself of that always....because acknowledging that makes the hard moments less painful...or at least more meaningful.  Heading into my final year here has also made me stop and think about what I need in the future, which to me....the next logical (which doesn't always mean the right one) step is to head to grad school.  Now the great adventure of deciding which grad school is calling my name, taking the GRE, and sending out those applications/attempting to score a graduate level education for free (I know people that have done here's hoping that I'm equally as savvy.)

As for schools I'm thinking about....

1) University of Washington (although this would involve moving...and I'm pretty sure I just swore that off about 2 minutes ago).  It would also involve becoming a Husky, and that is certainly a worst case scenario.

2) Eastern:  The only reason this one is on the list is proximity and cheapness and sentimental value.  Really they don't have the best MSW program and once again....I went there for 4 years already.  Maybe a different locale' is calling my name.

The other schools are on the East Coast and my mom would totally lose all her hair if I told her I was considering those.  Not to mention, how do you move across the country with a cat?  Lots of thinking to do obviously.....

Have a joyous week!


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