Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just a few things...


Here is where I'm at in life:

1) I have the worst maintenance man in the entire world.  Being as it was Saturday last night...I stayed up til 1.  Being as it is Sunday today, I expected to sleep in until 9.  Solid 8 hours of sleep.  FALSE.  Mr. Awful himself was next door sawing wood, drilling and nailing at 7:30 in the morning in the wall right next to mine. Over the span of the last hour or so, I can't count how many strings of expletives I've heard coming through the walls...along with loud singing.  This is the same maintenance guy that likes to sweat through his shirt while he is working on my apartment and then take it off for the remainder of the job.  If anyone needs to go on a diet, just come over to my house when he is around.  You won't eat....the whole experience is too visually disgusting.

2) I had a realization yesterday that summer is nearly over....not to be a Debbie Downer or anything, but this last month is going to fly by and then it is going to be fall again.  I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pretty over having basically 3 months of good weather and 9 months of garbage.  What is this?!  Was it always like this, or do I just care more now?

3) This week marked the end of my AmeriCorps term at the House of Charity.  Granted, I'm doing another one and am working for the month in-between, but it is a strange thing to come to the end of this year.  I have several co-workers who I am going to miss to the point that I actually can't imagine working without them.  We have all bonded in really extreme ways this year because this work is so impossibly hard some days.  We had no choice but to work through the challenges together and see the worst sides of each other and come out the other end.  And saying goodbye is probably my least favorite thing in the whole world.  I remember when I left Tahoe, I felt like my life was ending.  haha.  But seriously, life is a crazy adventure and a lot of times people come into yours for just a season and then things change again...and this is one of those times. We get new co-workers coming in mid-August and our BSW practicum student is going to be coming on as the new AmeriCorps, so its comforting to have one familiar face on board!

4) I have a bridesmaid dress that I'm debating on whether or not I should get it altered or not.  I'm afraid altering one part of it is going to make another part of it really unflattering.....should it look good or should I be able to breathe?!  Such a dilemma.  I'm leaning towards looking good.

5) Harry Potter was the most epic 2 1/2 hours I have ever sat through in my life.  I am 100% satisfied with that movie going experience.

6)  Now is the time for me to drag my sleep deprived butt out of bed and face the world, so enjoy the start of your weeks....and please....always be wary of shirtless maintenance men.  They are up to no good.


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