Monday, July 18, 2011

Bad taste...

I have been told a lot recently that I'm overly picky when it comes to the foods I like.  I guess it's true.  I am not really all that into a lot of really normal things.  Like peanut butter and jelly....or peanut butter and just about everything.  The stuff has a kinda crazy texture....has no one caught onto that but me? 

Beer also sucks....I have tried so hard to like it and I just end up giving it to someone else who can handle their alcohol better than me.  Why does something so popular and so widely accepted taste so terrible.  UGH.

One that drives my co-workers nuts is my total distaste for all things chicken.  Chicken is the pinnacle of grossness to me.  I think it comes back to the time that I ate raw chicken I avoided salmonella I have no idea.  But that one experience left me thinking..."I ate an entire piece of chicken before I knew it was raw"....therefore...I could totally do that again considering how blonde I am.  So I avoid it.  Not to mention the rubbery veins in chicken make me want to stab my eyes out.  They are straight up the consistency of snot.  Chicken must be inexpensive, because people are ALWAYS making it....come on people.  Throw a little pork or beef into your diet...or better sticks!  :)

But the one that is really throwing my family off currently is my total dislike for one of my family's favorite go-to's for Friday nights.  For as long as I can recall, my parents have made the Friday night trip to Papa Murphys to pick up the bane of my existance.  PIZZA.  Seriously....why is this such a wildly popular food.  You know what is even weirder....they make some pizza with chicken on it.....really?

But seriously.  I guess I liked it at some point.  I do have a favorite pizza joint that I will go to willingly (Rocky Rococos), but that is ONE out of the entire pizza-making community.  And Benneditos sometimes....but more for their breadsticks.  And even then, I can only go about once every 6 months.  You see what happened is this.  Pizza is a classic go-to for any class party we had in high school and for every sporting event that we ever gathered into dorm rooms to watch.  It was was easy....and no one complains about pizza.  Except guessed  On my 13th birthday we went to Benneditos and I got a single slice of pizza that happened to be riddled with pubic hairs.  I returned it only to receive another piece with more curly surprises.  Being 13, and being mortified, that image will never ever leave my brain.  Dominos is worse than anything though.  Dominos commercials actually make me want to gag.  I can't quite put my finger on what I dislike so much.  I suppose it is the combination of everything.  I love the cheese and the toppings, but once I pick those fun is over.  This isn't saying I don't eat a few pieces every now and then.  Food is food, but why waste your eating time on something so mediocre when the world has so much more to offer...I challenge you to find me a pizza I love...that would be quite the feat!

So I apologize to all my friends and family for my excessive pickiness....I know bringing me up was certainly a challenge for my parents, because what do you feed the child who hates everything?  Ice cream!!!

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