Monday, May 21, 2012

God certainly works in mysterious ways.  Or not so mysterious ways.

My internet took a nose dive along with what little integrity my landlord still had this last week.  Stoked about it.

So I come to you as I stew over a melty hot fudge sundae at McDonalds using what is coined as free wi-fi, but required a manager to come help me connect.  Strange Wi-Fi connections are not a good thing for technologically challenged individuals....

I could say this is a tragic downfall in my I am now completely unconnected to one of my favorite ways of staying connected.  However, perspective wins out and I needed a break and am enjoying the freedom of not having every bit of information at my fingertips at any hour of the day.  This change in focus has also allowed me time to read the books and start in on the movies that I need to read/watch a few more times and then discard before moving to Boston.

Update on Boston:

I leave in a little over 3 months.  Terror is beginning to take over...but the kind of terror you get when you ride a roller coaster.  Excitement....horror....but then a general sense of exhilaration for having forced yourself to do something terrifying for the sake of expanding your horizons.  I'm unbelievably excited about starting school again and I'm becoming more and more pumped to be living on the East Coast and being exposed to a lot of new things.  I'm not excited to leave my family or my beautiful friends, as I very much expect and believe that there are no others like them anywhere in the world.  In addition to preparing to go, I also find myself relishing the opportunity to enjoy one last full summer in the Pacific Northwest, as there really is nowhere more beautiful and special than here.  I don't care what anyone anywhere else says....we've got it right out here.

As far as the details go, I have an apartment, a plane ticket, and a general idea of how I'd like things to go (ha...yeah right), but very little else to go on.  I have yet to receive my placement for my internship, haven't registered for classes, don't know where my work study job will be, still need to put for the last of my loans, and need to learn to navigate this crazy huge city in 3 days once I get there.  I also have to drag my wonderfully cute but horribly impatient cat across the country on an airplane. Should be exciting.  Not to mention I've been told that I'm moving to Boston on the biggest moving day in the city.  75% of the city's apartment dwellers move on September 1st....including most students from Harvard, MIT, BU, BC, Tufts, etc...  I'm in for a long day.

For those that read this that are praying types (which most of you are), please pray for my continued preparations to move.  I have begun to realize that leaving the place you have grown up in is a pretty complex process and not really one that I'm ready for or able to do on my own.  Also, pray for my friends (of which you are one), because many of them have some challenging things on their plates right now that I can't wrap my head around at all.  God is full of grace and very much in control, but our 26 year old lives are being turned upside down in ways that I don't think 26 year old lives should.  Also pray that my cat doesn't die on the airplane in September....Amen.


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