Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Bear with me because I feel like everything I have to say today sounds really high maintenance.  I'm not sure it makes me high maintenance though, because I'm pretty sure that high maintenance people don't recognize that they are being that way.

First of all.

I am slightly devastated currently over the loss of three true companions.  We have been through thick and thin together.  We have crossed state borders....we have gone out of the country....we have danced in the rain.......

My three favorite pairs of jeans have hit the dust.

I know...devastating.  I actually had a physical reaction to seeing an ill-placed hole in my current favorite pair of jeans today.  I know, I'm being overly dramatic and high maintenance (like I said)....I recognize that.  But still...what a loss.  I think it has something to do with how expensive they are and also how often you wear them.  One of these pairs, I have had since I was a freshman in high school.  Not to mention that they take on a personality of their own and it can be nearly impossible to find ones that actually make your butt look good or don't make you look as short as you are. 


I got a pedicure for the first time this weekend and although I always claimed that I would never stoop to the level of getting pedicures on a regular basis....I may revoke that immediately.  Here's the deal.  It isn't half bad to sit in a massaging chair for an hour while someone rubs your feet, and let's face it...there is no way that I can paint my toenails half as well as my new friend at Hot Nails in the Valley.  :)  I'm just saying that I can see why people blow $20.00 a month on a good pedicure....

I'm totally hooked on the Bachelorette.  I'm kind of bothered by the fact that I love cliche reality TV shows.  I guess it isn't the biggest deal ever, but at some point it comes back to me feeling like I have some immature and totally cliche hobbies. I suppose I could expand my horizons and watch nature shows or read deep intellectual material on my off-time, but all I would be thinking about is what guy isn't getting a rose that night!  Hey, at least I haven't jumped on the American Idol train.....

There you have it.

In other news, summer is rapidly approaching and life is getting REALLY busy.  It's strange when one season of life is nearing an end.  This summer is going to be a time of transition, a time of goodbyes, and a time of celebration.  I will be returning to my job for another term, but it will be my last one at the House of Charity and its crunch time to figure out what the next step is.  Not to mention that I will be getting all new co-workers for next year and heaps of new responsibilities.  It's going to be a totally different year with new and different challenges in addition to the ones that I know will already be there.  

Hope summer is starting off well for you all!

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