Sunday, April 3, 2011

Admitting Defeat

That's it.  I'm pretty over the whole picture challenge.  I made it only halfway through the 30 days, and I'm so tired of writing about my pictures that I'm officially giving up today.  I never wanted blogging to be a hassle and it has become one.  So, I'm stopping that.  Props to those who can keep it going for that long. 

In other news, I'm starting a new 30 day challenge that I may also admit defeat halfway through....but I'm hoping that isn't the case.  I make really terrible food choices.  Really bad.  I may not drink pop with every meal or eat fried food like its going out of style, but I make up for it with the desserts I eat and the not even remotely healthy choices that I make.  I would never choose whole grain rice over white rice.  Never.  What's the point?  White rice tastes better.  I dislike salads.  Who wants to eat something that tastes like grass?  I do...if its covered in a bunch of garbage that makes it not taste like dressing (and a lot of it).  And is an average day of eating.

Sugary cereal (I've decided that most non-sugary cereal is gross, and makes me want to top it with sugar), I gave up and just started buying frosted flakes and things that actually tasted good.

Mid-Morning Snack:
We get tons of donuts at I literally eat a donut at least 3-4 days a week...usually as I'm running from place to place at around 9:30 in the morning.  So, I've started the day with pure sugar and fat.

Although our kitchen crew is totally talented and they are generous enough to make enough for the staff, usually by the time I get through the line....all that is left is the main dish and a variety of desserts.  So, I eat a little of whatever the main dish is...and grab dessert.  Awesome.

Mid-Afternoon Snack:
We also have an overabundance of cookies....I usually partake in one or two of those by the afternoon.

Dinner:  I make this myself, so its definitely the healthiest of the meals that I eat, but typically it involves dessert as well.  Cookies?  Cupcakes?  Whatever I have made over the last week.

There you have it....were my metabolism not wildly fast, I would be the biggest person I know.

And sugar doesn't make me feel good.  I get headaches, it kills my immune system, it makes me crash quickly...its gross.  I also have been dabbling with the idea of going gluten free for a time to see if it helps my stomach problems and other health issues.  I had decided against it because of how hard it would be, but with the encouragement of some friends, I have decided to take the plunge.  So, for 30 days, I'm going to be cutting out all sugars that do not include fruit, whatever is in my natural yogurt that I love, and whatever dessert I allow myself to be treated to once every Friday.  I will also be going gluten free for one month, which should be really interesting, because gluten is in everything I love.  But you can do almost anything for 30 days right?  (Well....except for finish a 30 Day picture

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! Just go to some gluten free blogs and you'll find so many yummy recipes that you won't feel like you are giving anything up...and good news, we always have gluten free stuff monday nights, so that's one meal you won't have to worry about :)
