Monday, October 22, 2012

All Hallows Eve

Can I just say I have a thing for Halloween?

As I find myself this year, in the land of are my thoughts.

1) I was sick on Halloween last year....and couldn't dress up.  This year I am without a costume, and don't really have plans to get one.  I am turning into an old person...its official. And I'm oddly ok with it, because Halloween ends up costing a lot of money and is kind of exhausting.  There is something so peaceful about forgoing the costumes for a night of pumpkin carving with friends instead.  But I so look forward to sharing the subway with a menagerie of scantily clad zoo animals. Oh college.

2) In light of that, I have had some really great costumes over the years.  This one is top in my books. I'd re-do this one over and over if I could.  It did make the bathroom a challenge though, and we all know how much I go to the bathroom.  Bad news bears.

3) I have two favorite Halloween movies.  Hocus Pocus and Casper.  Now when I say that I love Hocus Pocus, I tend to draw a hefty amount of judgment from my Christian friends.  Yes, my mom thought it was ok to expose me to witchcraft as a young child.  No, I never dabbled in witchcraft as a result of it...phew. Close call.  Shoot, I was way more likely to become a wizard, look how cool Harry Potter is.  Hocus Pocus and Casper are cool for two very different reasons.

A) Hocus Pocus is cool because it is set in Salem, MA...which I don't know if you know this, but I basically live there.  Half hour away...close enough.  It is also cool because the main character's name is Dani.  She was the first girl I ever experienced as having my name.....and turns out she isn't even real.  Disappointment.

B) Casper is cool because its the ultimate romance.  Girl becomes best friends with ghost. They fall in love. Ghost sacrifices for girl. Ghost gets to play Cinderella for the night.  Ghost turns into Devon Sawa....seriously, doesn't get better than that!

4) Pumpkin carving is torturous. The seeds are gross. The guts smell bad.  I'm typically within an inch of ending my life by way of tiny, jagged pumpkin knive.  It's bad news all around.  But it is so worth it when you take cute pictures of your lit up pumpkins all lined up in a row.  

5) I can't wait to be the parent that checks every piece of her kid's Halloween candy to make sure no psychos have shoved razor blades in them.  I feel so bad for the people that seemed just sketchy enough that my mom internally memorized what candy they gave us so that we could throw it away later.  I remember one house we went to had this guy answer the door, and he had painted a third eye onto his forehead.  His candy definitely got tossed later that night...

6) Speaking of trick or treating....why the heck does Halloween land in the fall?  Because I never once got to wear my cute ballerina costume or princess costume without a pair of sweats or jeans underneath and my heavy winter coat over top.  Way to kill a sweet costume, you stupid weather.

7) Home Improvement Halloween episodes are a little slice of heaven.

8) Bobbing for apples is filthy.  It's like being Catholic and drinking off the same wine glass as the entire church.  UGH.

9) Tis the season for scary movies, and I want it to be over.  As much as I love a good natured scare right around Halloween time, I am NOT into having a commercial for Paranormal Activity play 3 times during every commercial break on Hulu.  That trailer haunts my dreams.

10) I was a "bum" for Halloween once.  And I'm a social worker...who has a history of working with the homeless.  I'm the worst.

11) I think I should dress Scooter up even if I have no costume plans of my own.  What do you think of this?

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