Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Do you ever feel like life is turning into a whirlwind that you created....that you provoked?  That maybe the reason that it feels like it is spinning out of control is because you don't have a foot in reality anymore?  I spend way too much time on Facebook.  In fact...I would say that I'm addicted to Facebook.  It is one of the first things I do when I wake up in the morning....sometimes even before I eat breakfast.  And it is almost always the first thing I do when I get home from numerous times inbetween that and when I go to bed at night.  Its not even enjoyable anymore.  I don't even use Facebook for the real reason I should use it, to keep in touch with people I never see.  I Facebook people I see every day....I Facebook people because its easier than having a phone conversation with them.  I Facebook to avoid having real interaction and its starting to affect the way that I actually interact with people in person.  Not only that, but I feel totally unfulfilled once I get done Facebooking.  It means that I've spent hours on the computer looking at pictures and looking at status updates and not getting anywhere in my life.  I haven't learned anything new....except for who is dating who and why someone is having a terrible day and seeing that so and so has posted annoying pictures of themselves for the 50th time this week. 

I need to cut back....can you feel the tension in me.  So here's the thing....I'm cutting back to 15 minutes a day on Facebook.  And that means a 15 minute session....not 5 "3 minute sessions".  I need to remember what it feels like to actually do normal things....even TV would feel like less of a mind suck than Facebook does. 

One of my main reasons for wanting to do this is that I want to read more.  I have a pile of books sitting next to my bed that I haven't read yet, because I fill my time with Facebook and by the time I have time to read, I'm usually too tired and just go straight to bed.  Or I fall asleep after reading 2 pages....I'm a grandma.  I also am learning to knit, which is not thrilling, I realize...but I'm finding that I never have time for that either.  As for the books, I'm excited about all of them, and I'm embarrassed they have been sitting there for so long being unloved. 

I'm sort of 1/4 of the way through Anna Karenina right now, but it almost doesn't count because I started it about 3 months ago.  I'm a good reader....that is really ridiculous that it has taken me this long to get going in it.  And I'm enjoying it too, so I don't even have a good excuse.


Anna Karenina has been on my list of "must reads" for several years now, and I found it for $5.00 at Aunties and decided that the time was now.  I LOVE Russian literature, which is kind of goofy because I wouldn't say that I'm that interested in Russia for any other reason.  I just love the writing.  I soaked up Crime and Punishment in high school when everyone else hated it.  I'm trying to work up the nerve to try War and Peace in the future, but its pretty weighty.  We'll see.  As for this one.....I'm loving it.  I get some weird remarks from people when they see I'm reading it...and I get a lot of "oh, I always wanted to read that one but never got around to it" comments.  For goodness it then!  They are probably addicted to Facebook too, so I can't judge.  Ha!  I was just thinking last night that I have spent a lot of time watching movies in this last year, and I almost feel like I've seen all the movies that I've wanted to see.  That can never happen with books though....there is an endless supply of books that are worth reading.  I'm wasting time on the wrong form of entertainment.

Count of Monte Cristo is next in line.  Typically I don't read books that I have seen movies for.  I also don't do it the other way around.  I'm purposefully avoided seeing The Lovely Bones and The Kite Runner because I loved the books so much that I know I'll be disappointed by the movies. the case of the Count of Monte Cristo, I saw it....loved it....and promptly forgot most of the details.  I haven't seen it enough to have an emotional attachment...which means that I can read the book and not feel cheapened if it wasn't as spectacular as the movie.  It's by the guy that wrote Three Musketeers....I'm expecting it will be great!  He also wrote the Man in the Iron Mask, which I definitely won't be reading, because I definitely have an emotional attachment to that movie.  My sister and I first watched it solely because Leonardo Di Caprio was in it....and let's face it....he is a stud.  But now I've seen it so many times that reading the book is out of the question.

This one was recommended to me by my wonderful friend Shea.  She said that she couldn't put it down, and when I heard what it was about, I too was intrigued.  So I rushed out and bought it and then promptly decided it may have to wait.  It is about a guy who lost everything and became homeless, and it is him recounting his experiences.  I was initially really attracted to this book because I'm a huge advocate for the homeless population and I'd love to read a book that accurately portrays them and their struggles.  I think sometimes people are only willing to relate to homeless people that got that way by a strange misfortune...and not necessarily by their own demise.  This book will appeal to those people....and it will let them into the homeless community to see a bit of what I work with every day.  But as I started reading this book, I realized that I need to wait until I'm done working with this population to read it.  It is right on....and it makes me feel like I'm at work when I'm not.  I can't read about my job during my off-time or else my life will be consumed by it.  BUT, I put this in here because I think its worth a read, and I think that if you have time for it, it would be a good one to look into!  I will!  In a few years!

Last but not least....
and one that I'm actually saving for my trip to Ireland because it looks like a great read for the plane....

Guilty pleasure....I'm admitting it.  I love books about animals.  I immediately go for the books about cats that live in libraries, dogs that have no feet, etc.... My mom got this for me for Christmas, because she knows me quite well and knows that these things make me tick.  My whole life when I was little was consumed with the idea that I was going to be a veterinarian, and even up until a few years ago, I dabbled with the idea of working with animals professionally.  They make my heart happy.  Now that I've planted myself in social services, I'm giving up that little dream, but these books still let me delve into it, and although they are nerdy and cliche....I love them.  And this dog is adorable.....I want one just like him. to put my money where my mouth is and actually get off here and read!  :) 

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. fyi. Anna Karenina: great book, but the ending is worth the 700+ pages.

    Count of Monte Cristo: the whole Movie is like a mere preview of the book. The book is so epic (and I mean that in the truest sense, not just because it is a popular word) that there is no way it could be put into a movie unless the movie was at least 10 hours long.

    Also, I hear you on the whole facebook thing. the sole fact that i am commenting on your blog 30 minutes after it was posted on FB is evidence I spend too much time on there. Thanks for the challenge.
