Monday, January 17, 2011


So I've always sort of enjoyed running.  I've run Bloomsday two years in a row now in a decently timely manner....I have always run casually to get steam off my chest....and the whole concept has always appealed to me.  Well, following Bloomsday this last year, I actually decided that I wanted to pursue running on something more than a casual level.  I was looking at a half marathon that was in the Fall, but I chickened out last minute that time.  As I have continued to gain more confidence in my longer runs, I have officially decided that I am running the Windermere Half Marathon that is the week after Bloomsday (May 14th).   As excited as I am about this and as much as I'm itching to start training, there are a few things fighting back at me in my head when I think of this though...

1) I drove most of the route yesterday, but only made it out as far as Plantes Ferry Park.  My car got tired driving that far.....I'm a little afraid of what my body is going to do.  13.1 miles is almost two Bloomsdays stacked on top of each other.  Driving it seemed like a good idea, but now intimidation has set in. 

2) I have never committed to anything in my life other than graduating college.....and that was less painful than this.

3) I don't like the feeling that I'm stranded somewhere.....and I don't want to be the last person to cross the finish line.  Fear and pride are also moving in.....

4) $80......ouch.

So there are a handful of things that make me want to run for the hills (or maybe drive).....but I think I'm going for it regardless.  I'm that person that sometimes doesn't do things because I'm not into failing and I'm pretty sick of having that dictate my life.  Sometimes you experience so much success in life simply because you never take a risk by doing something that you may crash and burn in.  

In other news, sorry it has been such a long time since my last update!  The holidays were incredible....I had a really nice time with my family and friends that were in town.  Couldn't have asked for more.  The New Year has started off with a HHHHHUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE win for the Eastern Eagles football team (National Champions!!!), the flu,  and madness at work.  I feel like I haven't breathed for about 3 weeks straight (figuratively and literally....congestion is the worst).

I hope that the New Year has found you all well!  Much love!


1 comment:

  1. Go Dani! I'm the same way..I have a fear of failing so I just don't do things sometimes. Ireland is my half marathon that's why I'm doing anything I can to go!
    I love you Dani!
    And I'll be there cheering you on at the finish line..even if you're the last one :)
