Friday, July 20, 2012

Rainy Day

This week I have had a lot of time off work. It has allowed me to hang out with friends, go to a midnight showing of Dark Knight Rises and not have to worry about waking up 2 hours after getting home, and it has allowed me a lot of time to actually appreciate the things that life offers again.  And since I've had some time to enjoy the little things this week, I'd like to highlight the things that are currently ranking top on my favorite things list....

1) Ben and Jerry's Banana and Peanut Butter Greek Yogurt

Run, don't walk to your nearest store and buy yourself some of this.  Seriously.  You won't regret it.  Unless of course you aren't into either bananas or peanut that case, you may be sorely disappointed!  But seriously, I could eat one of these in a sitting, and I never ever do that.

2) Anything by Malcolm Gladwell


This guy is ridiculous. He is a stud.  Everything the man writes is interesting, and that isn't an over exaggeration of any kind.  His intelligence is completely obvious, and I feel smarter just reading his books.  True story.  I am almost done with Outliers (which I highly recommend) and am trying really hard not to delve too deeply into "What the Dog Saw" until I finish the Hunger Games...I'm becoming a total book whore right now.  I have also heard rave reviews for Tipping Point and Blink, but I must refrain....too big of a pile of books as it is!  Anyways, if you want to check them out, they are a good read but require some thinking.  I tend to not read them right before bed or I zone out and miss everything.  They are worthwhile to be wide awake for!

3) The Dark Knight Rises

I was among the many who attended a midnight showing for The Dark Knight Rises in Spokane.  Obviously the whole release has been greatly marred by the horrific events that took place in Colorado, which demonstrates just how senseless life can be sometimes.  An absolute tragedy.  They have started to cancel premieres out of respect for the lost or out of fear of copycats, but truly the movie was incredible and it was just an unfortunate thing that could have happened anywhere and in any situation.  So in a very big plug for the movie, it really brings everything together and couldn't have been better.  Loved it.  And how cool is the Bat Motorcycle?  I'm pretty sure its not possible to crash it (look at those fatty tires), and its also impossible to look uncool while riding it.  Oh, and side note...Joseph Gordon Levitt is the most attractive person alive.

4) Lana Del Ray

This lady is weird.  And I love her.  Check out her music!

5) Thunderstorms

We have had an unusual amount of humidity this year, and that has contributed to us having an unusual amount of thunderstorms.  And I am loving it!

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