Thursday, April 12, 2012


You know those days when everything seems right with the world?  I must say that as of late, I've had a multitude of days that don't feel quite like that, so having one today was glorious.

First of all....

There was a Mufasa cloud in the sky over my apartment when I came home from dinner with my mom tonight.  You know what I'm talking about.

Ok, it wasn't quite as good as this one, but it was close enough to bring my heart joy.

Secondly, as mentioned above....I had dinner with my mom tonight.  If you ask what I might miss most when I move away in a few months, it is probably this.  We also ended up sitting very near to a guy that closely resembled Napoleon Dynamite and ate his dinner while listening to his Ipod.  Nice.

Lastly, and perhaps the most exciting, the Boston furniture dilemma has been solved.  I have had quite a battle building in my head as to how to find help to assist me in moving in furniture and also what vehicle I would use to do so....and how I would afford anything.  All of this was solved when the girl who is moving out of my apartment offered up all of her bedroom furniture.  Talk about a blessing.  I now have zero dilemmas with that at all.

I honestly have been very much seeking a little confirmation that I am meant to be going to Boston.  I do believe God gives us extraordinary opportunity to exercise free will, and my will obviously is to get out of Spokane for a bit, get my Masters, and do it somewhere completely different from here.  I chose Boston a tiny bit indiscriminately and had my heart set on it, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was meant to be.  God's will is greater than mine, and I like to think I'm seeking that more so than mine, but when your heart is set....its hard to hear opposition.  Something this simple is a HUGE HUGE sigh of relief for me and feels like some confirmation I have been hoping and praying to see.  Fact of the matter is, I've gotten accepted into a  program that could have rejected me just as easily, I have found roommates and a great apartment early on and with fairly significant ease, I found a flight that is so cheap its practically free, and now this.  What more confirmation do I need?

One more day of work and the weekend is here already....13 more weeks of work.  Time to come to terms with the fact that this stage is ending and the next stage is looming.  Big changes.

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